Skip Purpose In Briefcase Folder Can We Please Just Ignore The Abortion Trolls?

Can we please just ignore the abortion trolls? - skip purpose in briefcase folder

You are here for a purpose and one purpose ---- disturb those who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Although I do not support abortion to those legitimate questions that have not earned here. However, these trolls are not doing more to try to reach more people do not live here, in my opinion, and I think if we can completely ignore after a while you just go there. They just want attention, that is exactly what we give them. It would be better if all now just skip right over your questions. It seems that she loves 3 Troll in the regular section of Emma Emma Nubia, Nubia Blaque babies and 4 Person who just joined today Forsalana. I know this is not a question, and will probably be deleted, but well informed and I will lose 10 points if that means only one person ignores them.


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